Monday 23 May 2011

Spider Sculpture – Part One

In my sculpture class at the moment we are required to create a piece using only found objects. This means using anything we find around the house, or even just things we find laying around on the streets or out in nature. One of the main rules we have to follow is that we can’t go out and specifically buy objects with a particular design in mind, we just have to utilize what we can find.

For mine I have decided to include another one of my hobbies, which is archery. Over the years of being in an archery club I have gone through many sets of arrows and have at least two old sets I no longer use. My teacher loved the idea of incorporating the old arrows into my piece or even making the main sculpture just out of arrows. After a while I decided that what I want to do is create spiders. I haven’t decided yet whether I will create one large or a series of smaller spiders with them. I am still working on the planning and all the details but that is where I am heading with this project now.

Above are a couple of photos from my art journal with a few quick sketches of possible spider ideas and a couple of print-outs of two massive spider sculptures by Louise Bourgeois. While I admire her work greatly and have been inspired by her spiders I see myself moving in another direction. While her spiders have quite an organic feel to them created by the curved and free-flowing legs I would like mine to have a more stiff, solid and almost robotic look to them. The straight-edged nature of the arrow is bound to help me with this.

At the moment I am still planning how exactly I am going to do this, and whether my spiders will have colour, whether they will have bodies or just legs and whether they will have the traditional 8 legs or maybe more or less for a more unearthly feel. I will post an update on these spiders when they are ‘hopefully’ completed.

Below is a photo of the two sets or arrows I will be using for this piece. 

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